Main scenarios for Diplodoc usage
Simple documentation project with YFM
Project Structure
Basic project contains few config files and pages with actual content. Both config files and markdown linked into the following structure:
|-- .yfm (config file for whole project)
|-- toc.yaml (table of content)
|-- presets.yaml (presets for vairables)
|-- index.yaml (index page)
|-- pages (Content pages)
|-- _assets (directory with pictures)
|-- image1.png
|-- image2.png
|-- _includes (directory for reusable content)
More information about the structure can be found on the page.
Project Build
Build can be performed with "Builder" tool with cli.
For build initiation run the following with mandatory keys:
input, -i — path to project directory.
output, -o —path to directory with output data (static HTML pages)
yfm -i ./input-folder -o ./ouput-folder
After successful build you get either HTML-linked project or YFM.
YFM can be used for subsection creation.
HTML-linked and ready project can be used locally, hosted on your favorite provider or placed into S3-like storage for further processing.
Integration into Development pipeline
Project creation and build
For common scenarios project structure and build procedures are the same as mentioned in previous section.
But in case of integration with your CI/CD pipelines it's required to include Builder for triggers on documentation updates in repository.
Plugins and extended configuration
Huge documentation projects are using extra capabilities for content processing and specific configurations for build. As an example - you can use plugins for complex tables of work with video. More details can be found on the page.
Work with GitHub and publication on your own domain or on
If you are using GitHub as your VCS and repository for your documentation - Diplodoc can be used for full pipeline creation, starting from making changes in .md files to hosting pf your project.
Contact us, to discuss details of your configuration.