Syntax highlighting

The highlight.js package is used to highlight code. For the list of available languages, see Github.

To install the package, run this command:

npm i highlight.js

Supported Languages

Key used to enable syntax highlighting inside the code block.

  • apache
  • bash
  • coffeescript
  • cpp
  • cs
  • css
  • diff
  • go
  • http
  • ini
  • java
  • javascript
  • json
  • kotlin
  • less
  • lua
  • makefile
  • xml
  • markdown
  • nginx
  • objectivec
  • perl
  • php
  • plaintext
  • properties
  • python
  • ruby
  • rust
  • scss
  • shell
  • sql
  • swift
  • typescript
  • yaml

Adding other languages

You can pass an additional set of languages that will be registered for use.

A set of languages is passed as an object, with:

  • The name of the language as the key.
  • A function that defines the language as the value.
const transform = require('@diplodoc/transform');
const customLang = require('./custom-lang');

const highlightLangs = { 'custom-lang': customLang };

const {result: {html, meta}, logs} = transform(content, {highlightLangs});