Table of contents

The document structure is described in the file toc.yaml. It defines how a table of contents is generated and documentation is built.


Files that are not specified in toc.yaml are not processed during the build.


The standard toc.yaml file structure looks like the following:

title: Document title
href: index.yaml
  - name: Section name
    href: path/to/
  - name: Section group name
      - name: Section name
        href: path/to/
      - name: Section name
        href: path/to/
  - name: Section name
    href: path/to/
  • title: Document name. It's displayed in the table of contents above the list of all sections.
  • name: The name of a section or group of sections.
  • href: A relative path to the file.
  • items: A grouping element.

Section visibility conditions

Individual sections can be included in or excluded from the document, depending on the values of variables. To describe visibility conditions, the when parameter is used.

Possible comparison operators: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=.

- name: Section with conditional entry
  href: path/to/conditional/
  when: version == 12

Substitutions and conditional operators

Document title supports substitutions and conditional operators.

title: "not_var{{ title }}"


Always use quotes if a value starts with a substitution. Without quotes, the value is processed as JSON embedded in YAML, which can lead to build errors such as TypeError: str.replace is not a function.

Inserting tables of contents

You can split a table of contents into different files and insert one table of contents into another. Use cases:

  • You have table of contents blocks in several documents.
  • You have a large document, which is easier to build from smaller blocks.

Example of including a table of contents as a section

- name: Imported block name
    path: another/toc.yaml

By default, path specifies the path from the documentation root. The name of the imported file doesn't have to be toc.yaml:

- name: Instructions for Android
    path: another/toc_android.yaml

Example of including a table of contents without creating a section

You can also include toc.yaml with its elements in the same level of the table of contents.


  - name: Name1

  # If an element doesn't have a name field, it means that elements of the included table of contents must be
  # added to the same table of contents level, not as a new section
  - include: { path: path/to/toc.yaml }

  - name: NameX


  - name: NameA
  - name: NameB

Result in the table of contents:

  • Name1
  • NameA
  • NameB
  • NameX


Different modes that can be set in the mode property:

  • root_merge: Enabled by default. This copies the table of contents along with all of the files and directories it uses. Let's say that you're importing the contents from folder A into the contents in folder B. All of the files from folder A will be copied to folder B during the build. Note that copying overwrites files.

    The copying process changes the project structure, and sourcePath is added to the new files' metadata with the path to the source file. This field is used for the link to edit the page.

  • merge: Similar to root_merge, but the path to the table of contents file is specified relative to the current file where you are using include.

  • link: The project structure doesn't change. All of the included table of contents' links are changed to links relative to the table of contents where it's included.

For example, let's say you want to specify a relative path in path to the table of contents you are importing. Do it like this:

  - include: { mode: merge, path: ../relative/path/to/toc.yaml }


You can include any content using includers, as long as the includer for this type of content is implemented.

Includers are specified as:

  • an array of includer objects in the includers field

  • includer object in the includer field. in the process of deprecation in favor of the includers field

include requirements

include should provide path where content is gonna be included

path field must be the path to where content is gonna be included.

mode must be link or omitted

includers requirements

includers must be array of includer objects that are going to be executed
in the order they were provided

includer requirements

parameters between includer objects differ but one common parameter is the name of the includer to execute

name specify name of the includer to run

Usage example

abstract example of the includers usage

refer to appropriate includer section for the concrete usage example

# toc.yaml
  - name: <item-name>
      path: <path-where-to-include>
        - name: <name-of-the-first-includer>
          <includer-parameter>: <includer-parameter-value>
        - name: <name-of-the-second-includer>
        - name: <name-of-the-third-includer>
      mode: link

List of implemented includers


You can generate documentation in the markdown format with the tool of your choice and include it into your main documentation.

Includer will generate table of content for the provided content and include it as it is.

Usage example

Let's say we have a documentation project in the doc_root folder.

Put markdown content generated with the tool of your choice inside doc_root/docs folder.

Then you need to include it inside doc_root/toc.yaml with generic includer.

Link to the generated leading page inside main doc_root/index.yaml.

# doc_root/toc.yaml
title: documentation
href: index.yaml
  - name: docs
      path: docs
        - name: generic
          input: docs
      mode: link
# doc_root/index.yaml
title: documentation
  - title: docs
    href: docs/

Open API

You can generate documentation from the Open API specification file and include it into your main document.


openapi includer requires you to enable usage of HTML inside documentation

set allowHTML to true inside .yfm config

allowHTML: true
Usage example

Let's say we have a documentation project in the doc_root folder.

Put specification file into it at doc_root/openapi.yaml.

Then you need to include it inside doc_root/toc.yaml with the openapi includer

Link to the generated leading page inside main doc_root/index.yaml

# doc_root/toc.yaml
title: documentation
href: index.yaml
  - name: openapi
      path: openapi
        - name: openapi
          input: openapi.yaml
      mode: link
# doc_root/index.yaml
title: documentation
  - title: openapi
    href: openapi/


You can use unarchive includer to unpack your tarball before applying other includers e.g generic includer.

Usage example

As an example you might have docs.tar inside root of your documentation project doc_root/docs.tar.

docs.tar has markdown content inside of it, that you would like to include with generic includer.

Then you would apply chain of the includers(unarchive -> generic) to achive desired results.

# doc_root/toc.yaml
title: documentation
href: index.yaml
   - name: multiple
       path: multiple
       mode: link
         # run unarchive includer
         - name: unarchive
           # specify tarball you want to unpack as input parameter
           input: docs.tar
           # specify output path where tarball content is going to be unpacked
           output: unpacked
         # run generic includer
         - name: generic
           # specify path from unarchive includers output field as input path
           input: unpacked
# doc_root/index.yaml
title: documentation
  - title: openapi
    href: openapi/

Source Docs

You can generate documentation with Source Docs and include it into your main documentation.


Source Docs includer is getting depricated in the favor of Generic Includer

Usage example

Let's say we have a documentation project in the doc_root folder.

Put the output of the Source Docs into the doc_root/docs folder.

Then you need to include it inside doc_root/toc.yaml with sourcedocs includer.

Link to the generated leading page inside main doc_root/index.yaml.

# doc_root/toc.yaml
title: documentation
href: index.yaml
  - name: docs
      path: docs
        - name: sourcedocs
          input: docs
      mode: link
# doc_root/index.yaml
title: documentation
  - title: docs
    href: docs/

Section expansion

By default, all table of contents sections are hidden. You can change it by adding expanded:

title: Yandex Cloud Marketplace
  - name: Getting started
  - name: Test topichead
    expanded: true
      - name: Creating a virtual machine
  - name: Initial software configuration
  - name: Operating a virtual machine
  - name: API reference

You can only use expanded for first-level sections. In lower sections, expanded will be ignored.
Use it to make important sections and pages in the table of contents always visible.

Hidden sections

To make a section accessible only by direct link and excluded it from the table of contents, add the hidden parameter.

- title: Secret document
  hidden: true

To completely exclude hidden sections from the build, use the build key --remove-hidden-toc-items=true.