Leading page

To quickly navigate the document, you can design a root page in the form of a grid with links to main sections.

Example: design of the Yandex Compute Cloud documentation leading page.

Example of a leading page


The standard file structure of the index.yaml leading page:

title: Document name
description: A description of the document
  title: Metadata
  noIndex: true
- title: First section
  description: A description of the first section
  href: path/to/file.md
- title: Second section
  description: A description of the second section
  href: path/to/file.md
  • title: Document name. It's displayed in the table of contents above the list of all sections.
  • description: A description of the document.
  • meta: Metadata.
  • links: Grouping element. The following is set within each section:
    • title: Name of the section. Displayed as the name of the link.
    • description: Description of the section.
    • href: The relative path to the file.

Element visibility conditions

Individual sections can be included on or excluded from a leading page, depending on the values of variables. To describe visibility conditions, the when parameter is used.

Possible comparison operators: ==, !=, <, >, <=, and >=.

- title: Section with a conditional inclusion.
  description: A description of the section.
  href: path/to/conditional/file.md
  when: version == 12

Substitutions and conditional operators

Title and description of document and links support substitutions and conditional operators.

title: "not_var{{ title }}"
description: "{% if version == 10 %}not_var{{ description_legacy }}{% else %}not_var{{ description }}{% endif %}"
  title: "not_var{{ meta_title }}"
- title: "not_var{{ link_title }}"
  description: "not_var{{ link_description }}"
  href: path/to/conditional/file.md